Ollivander Ferdinand

Eight years ago, we decided to do something previously unheard of- adopting a kitten. We’d always rescued adult cats but after our old guy Ferdinand passed away, we figured the girls (Isobel and Selina) would enjoy having a tiny guy to snuggle with and teach the ways of being a spoiled feline.

So, we went to the same Petsmart that we found Ferd, and sat in the adoption room with a whole mess of kittens. We didn’t care what they looked like. We just wanted to find the perfect fit. And the baby cat formerly known as Tosh became our sweet Ollivander Ferdinand! Also known as Ollie, Ollie Boy, Dummy Boy, Dummy Face, Dummy Feets, Silly Boy, Stinky Boy, and a million other monikers. Sadly I don’t have access to a lot of his baby photos, but enjoy spam of my precious son!


Ollie loves snuggling, wrestling with his sisters, playing fetch, and did I mention snuggling? He can be shy around other humans but comes around once things get quiet. As for his parents, he favors both of us. But I like to think he’s just a bit more of a mama’s boy.